As foreshadowed in our previous updates, a revised Victorian Government list was released today, which describes the ‘Surveillance testing list and requirements’ for the purposes of the Workplace (Industry Additional Obligations) Directions, which came into effect as of 24 June 2021.

This is version 5 of the Surveillance testing list, which came into effect on 26 August 2021. Although, it wasn’t formalised for our industry until now.

On behalf of our members, MBV has worked with the Victorian Government, and others, to ensure that surveillance testing would not apply to our whole industry – which is a huge advocacy win.

And, once again, we will work with the Victorian Government to settle the appropriate protocols pursuant to this change.

In the meantime, the Victorian Government has again confirmed that no implementation of surveillance testing will be required by our industry until these discussions are completed. We anticipate meeting again with the Victorian Government in the next few days for this purpose and will advise further to allow the appropriate time and notice of requirements for implementation.

Nevertheless, it is evident that sites in Melbourne with more than 400 workers will be required to undertake mandatory testing. It is important to note, however, that we understand that this testing will be undertaken by the Department of Health via the wastewater system.

We will provide members with more information as soon as possible.

Click here for more details.

Please note this list may be further amended and updated with approval of the Chief Health Officer.